Saturday, January 3, 2015


Spacation series 18 x 24 acrylic on canvas

If you see the post below, you see I have a few disappointments to deal with in regards to getting off our watery third stone from the sun called Earth. I've also wondered why we've never really named our planet yet. We just call it the same thing as what we stand on, the earth. Earth or dirt only makes up less than 20% of the planet, maybe should've called it "Water"instead.....just saying. We named every star, planet and asteroid in the galaxy pretty much, and some of you may even have been gifted with a star named after you! But alas, Earth it is.
Anyway, here is the the continuation of my "Spacation" series. I've moved to the planets now, and will have 4 more paintings coming this year. In the meantime, work on that name thing terrans....

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